General Strength & Conditioning
Exercise Prescription
Typically done either by an exercise physiologist or a physiotherapist in Singapore, exercise prescription aims to prevent the risk of chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases) and treat chronic diseases. Prescriptive exercise also focuses on increasing functional capacities and the quality of life in the long term with a focus on chronic disease management. Exercise physiologist are predominantly ‘hands-off” and prescribe exercises to achieve a therapeutic or performance outcome. The purpose of this service is to complement existing healthcare services that are treating chronic diseases using medications and provide a non-medicated approach to treating chronic diseases.
Benefits of Exercise Prescription
Exercise is Medicine
Physical activity especially exercise promotes optimal health and is integral in the prevention and treatment of many medical conditions and sports injury Singapore.
Conservative Treatment
This approach is a non-invasive and carries less risk than a surgical procedure. In the long run, this approach could be more economical.
Safe & Effective Treatment
Prescriptive exercise is effective in the management and prevention of chronic diseases or maintaining health. Research has shown that prescriptive exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases, improves mental and physical well-being.