Sport Injury Prevention & Performance

Sport Injury Prevention & Performance

Sports injury prevention and performance training administered by sport scientists enable individuals to pursue sports performance effectively with a low risk of sport-related injury. A sports scientist provides expert advice and support to athletes and coaches to help them understand and enhance sports performance; adopting evidence-based, quality-assured practice to evaluate and develop effective strategies or interventions in training and/or competition. The desired outcome is to increase sports participation through better proficiency, goal-setting and lower risk of injury.  Sports participants are known to enjoy better overall well-being and have higher social cohesion.

Benefits of Sport Injury Prevention & Performance

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Sport injury prevention

The field of sports science specialises in injury prevention interventions for athletes. This means the injury prevention programme is designed by specialists to keep you playing throughout the year and not missing out on any sporting moments

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Conservative Treatment

This approach is a non-invasive and carries less risk than a surgical procedure. In the long run, this approach could be more economical.

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Safe & Effective Treatment

A sport injury and performance programme based on sports science evidence is progressive and effective in reducing sporting injury risk and enhancing performance.

Sport Injury Prevention And Performance
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The Process of Sport Injury Prevention & Performance









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